Monday, October 31, 2011

Assignment 4-1 A Desperate Decision

     On the day of "The Falling Man", I was driving to work listening to the radio.  There was an interruption into the song playing on the radio.  I was confused about an airplane crashing into the Twin Towers until I entered into my workplace.  I was in disbelief. 

     "The Falling Man"  is a true story of a man falling from one of the Twin Towers during 9/11, 2001.  The man's unusual position during his fall prompted the photographer to seek out the identity of this man. 

     There was a lot of compare and contrast in this writing.  Some saw the man's fall to his demise as the grace of an Olympic while others perceived his fall as inelegant.  The Hernandez family saw it as a betrayal of the love ones left behind.  In contrast, If it was Johnathan Briley,  the writer look at it as the man way of trying to get back to his family.   To me, he took on a position to land in a certain area he had selected; hoping he would survive.

     The photographer's many quest to find the identity of this man showed how people interpreted this man hope for survival.  Some took a religious view on it and some seemed not to want to be associated with him.  It was unusual that only one photo was used in this writing.  It was Junod way of keeping his readers focusing on this individual as a symbol of desperation for all who perish that dreadful day.




Sunday, October 30, 2011

Assignment 3-5 Revision Plan

I plan to reread my essay to get a better understanding on reorganizing my paragaphs.  My essay contains several quoted ( which I like), because they give my argument validity.  On the other hand, I have to separate them to prevent them from looking and sounding like run on sentences. These quotes can be revised by spreading them through the paper. 

My Peer Review provided me with some good feedback.  She spoke of how she almost got lost in the reading and the disorganizing of my paragraphs.

Assignment 3-4 Part 1

I like the content of my essay; I think my thesis statement really could create an argument that the people pictured in the comic panels clearly depict inequality.  My transition from paragraph to paragraph is not smooth.  I really need to work on that area of writing.  Please provide some techniques in making a smooth transition.  My essay provides many quotes and references from the comic, but they come across cluttered.  These quotes and references validates my argument.  Can you identify my thesis statement?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Assignment 3-2 New Orleans

Josh Neufeld's "A.D. New Orleans After the Deluge" panels paint a grim picture of disparity between the poor and rich in a natural disaster in America. If you are not at the table when decisions are made, you will be left behind when the resources from those decision are distributed.  Get an education a be at the table.

After reading "A.D. New Orleans After the Deluge", I developed an urgency to send a message to the poor to get educated and participate in the decision of America's government which affects everyone. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hurricane Aftermath

"New Orleans After the Deluge" panels depict a horrifying picture of African Americans left in a hopeless, filthy situation for days after Hurricane Catrina.  His visual rhetoric and images put more emphasis on these distressed individuals lack of communication skills and the disparity between have and have not.

There is a pattern of profanity and frustration throughout  this piece.  People are upset because they believe they have been guided to the Convention Center to die.  They don't have the most basic necessity of life food and water, and there are no one in a hurry to provide these items.

The most unusual thing about this writing is the organizational skills of the so called thugs.  These individuals looted and orderly distributed the items they acquired to survive.  They provided the elderly, then the children, and next the women.

Digging in

Friday, September 23, 2011

Kalman's Reading

When I was assigned "Back to the Land" as a read, my first though was a boring difficult to read piece.  But, to my surprise, this was a educational and personal habit change reading for me.  I found it very interesting how the author use of our founding fathers as a pathos guide in the utilization of land through organic farming. Two other elements I found interesting about "Back to the Land" was the assertion of a slower pace of life and democracy.  The slower pace of life caught my attention, because everyone seems to be in such a hurry all the time, but with a desire for simplicity.  The use of democracy in the distribution of organic healthy food to the poor as  well as the rich was interesting, because you are what you eat; everyone should have the basic foundation for good health which is healthy food.  The utilization of our land in it natural state free of pesticides, a slower pace of life through simplicity and democracy for all in every way can bring back thatserenity and healthy eating we have destroyed over time that our forefather enjoyed. 

The repetition of farmers, and  the strand of fast (food, talk, walk) signifies that the composer is trying to convince the audience that our way of life has become out of control, and we can simplify it by reverting back to a simple lifestyle. 

It struck me as odd to cook an egg in a spoon over an open flame,  but I guess that is part of simplifying life.  This part  I can do without.