Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My Journey

English 101 online was more of a challenge than I expected.   The conferences were very helpful;  they gave the online class a human aspect.  Blogging was a first for me, and I enjoyed it.   It was difficult finding my way around D2L, but I managed to maneuver my way through the process.  For me,  trying to write three pages from the work presented to the class was like pulling nails out of a wall with fingertips. but somehow I did it.  I definitely would keep the conferences, but I would eliminate the peer review. Although I did receive useful tips from classmates, I don't think a 101 class has the experience to critique the work of others.  My suggestion would be for students to list things helpful in their writing, and let fellow classmates select from that list what  fits them best.

Most of all I admired the willingness of our professor to give a helping hand.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Assignment 2-5

My peer essay on Kalman was a reflection of my essay.  I thought it was unique and personal how he was able to bring his personal situation into his essay.  I am confused becaused I didn't receive a review.

I really received good tips from my conference.  One in particular was the use of pictures to maximize my essay writing.  Also, I recieved pointers on how to make my thesis stronger.